Honour your parents. 


5th Runner Up Top FSAD 2023


Zen's journey in the insurance industry is a story of ambition, guidance, and gratitude. With a career that spans significant milestones, his achievement as the 5th Runner-Up for the Top Financial Services Associate Director in 2023 stands out as a testament to his dedication and skill. At the heart of Zen's success is the personal coaching and blessing he received from his parents, Gary and June, which he gratefully acknowledges as pivotal to his achievements within AIA Singapore.

Representing SP-ZENTAY-JUNETEOH, Zen's professional ethos is deeply influenced by the values imparted by his parents. This foundation has not only shaped his approach to the insurance business but has also instilled in him a profound respect for the role of mentorship and support in reaching professional heights. His personal quote, "Honour your parents," encapsulates the essence of his gratitude and the significant influence his family has had on his career trajectory.

The recognition Zen has received within AIA Singapore is a reflection of his ability to blend professional expertise with a personal touch, a quality that resonates deeply with both clients and colleagues. His journey is a beacon for aspiring professionals in the industry, demonstrating the importance of dedication, respect for one's roots, and the impact of positive mentorship.

As Zen looks to the future, his vision extends beyond personal accolades to include the continued success and development of his team. His story is not just one of professional achievement but also of personal growth, community impact, and the enduring value of family support and guidance in shaping a successful career in the insurance industry.


  • 5th Runner-Up: Top Financial Services Associate Director 2023

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